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- 173总学员人数
- 7总课堂数
- Nov 21, 2015自……开始有效
- Gloucester, MA, United States地点
Leontine Hartzell has over 20 years experience as a shamanic energy healer and teacher of shamanism and meditation. She is a sound healer, psychic, channel for the Elohim, hypnotherapist and ordained interfaith minister. She has trained with Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and with numerous indigenous shamans and healers from Ecuador, Peru, Canada, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, East Africa, Native America, Mexico and India. Born psychic, her passion is to help people heal from past wounds and reconnect with their soul purpose to create a fulfilling life aligned...
Award winning Shamanic Sound Healer: Won 2nd Place, Best New Age Album of the Year 2014 at the COVR Visionary Awards, Denver, CO for 'Star Bear Medicine," healing songs from the star beings- www.omajamusic.com